Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Everything is hot and dead here...

So it's been an incredibly hot summer and dry to boot.  Finding something in nature to photograph is becoming quite a challenge.  I decided not to fight it by looking for the standard beauty and rather find the beauty in what is around me.  Sometimes a shift in traditional thinking is all that is needed to uncover what you may not have noticed before.

I took these photos on Sunday when it was 108 degrees.  I was a tad bit bored and my husband suggested going out for a bit alone and taking some photos.  I couldn't think of anything to shoot-it was HOT, midday sun..and did I mention hot??  But I grabbed the camera anyway and gave it a go.  The field by our house has a few scraggly surviving sunflowers.  So I pulled the car over, hopped out and crunched my way through the dry earth to capture these strong and beautiful plants.

To give it a chance...

I have often thought about starting a blog-but do I really have anything of interest to say?  Probably not. But maybe I can amuse myself with my own ramblings.  I also think this is a place where I can post photos, recipes I like (maybe even get wild and crazy and post photos of the foods I make from the recipes! whoa!) and just general run-on sentence craziness.